Serving the World

Camberwell Baptist Church has had a long commitment to partnering with organizations that have responded to the call of the gospel, to engage with the spiritual and practical needs, and follow Jesus in taking up a life of service to our world.

To do this partner with workers and organizations that serve in several different cultural contexts across Australia and around the world. These organisations provide emergency relief, agricultural and sustainable development, administration of short term teams, planting local churches, education, aviation and transport services, leadership and theological training, church leadership and Bible translation, and whatever else is needed.

We are also committed to serving the world our people group focus, where our heart is to; learn more, visit regularly, invest financially, support prayerfully, and work with our partners who are empowering communities to develop their own distinctive ways of following Jesus.

If you would like to know more about organisations we partner with in our desire to serve Jesus and make a long term difference in our world, check out the following links: