When Jesus uttered these beautiful words, ‘let the children come to me and do not hinder them for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven’, and when he gathered the children to himself and blessed them (Mark 10:13-16), he set the benchmark for us.  We seek to continue to be a church where children and families are welcome and participate fully. We want to be an open community where people of all ages gather and interact. We want to be a church where children and young people are fully engaged and have every opportunity to flourish and grow. We want to be a safe place and to put no barriers in place that will harm or hinder children and young people.

Camberwell Baptist Church is committed to ministering to children, young people and vulnerable adults by providing an environment that is physically, emotionally and spiritually safe.

Camberwell Baptist Church is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people and will endeavor to provide a safe and supportive environment for children and young people by the following safeguarding measures: Recruitment processes (screening, selection, interviews etc.), Working with Children Check, Training, Induction, Supervision and Reviews.

The following patterns reflect the culture that we are committed to promoting with Camberwell Baptist Church: Due diligence, Integrity, Duty of Care, Transparency, Inclusivity, Teamwork and Accountability.

Values are the underlying convictions that consistently shape our everyday decisions and behaviours as a church; they are essential characteristics that we desire to be reflected in our lives and be the message we communicate through words and actions.

At Camberwell Baptist Church we seek to live out the following values: Missional Mission, Authentic Community, Biblical Living, Prayerful Inspiration, Generous Worship and Radical Compassion (refer to “Our Values – How we Live”, Appendix 1A).

A person who is experiencing or has experienced child abuse or has a reasonable belief that a child is, or may be, being abused by a member of the Camberwell Baptist Church (CBC) community, is strongly encouraged to speak with a CBC staff member.

For further information on CBC’s Child Safe Policy, please contact our church via our office or through our contact page on this website.