
Here at Camberwell Baptist we desire to be a church which seeks the heart of God, which desires to know Him, worship Him, and serve Him. Our heart is to be a church where God is genuinely honoured and where He is changing lives, where hurts are being healed, hope is being restored and there is a real sense of love and community; a place where people worship honestly, and where worship flows naturally through our daily lives.

As a church we strive to reflect the fullness of God’s creativity, so we provide multiple expressions of worship that celebrate how God has uniquely shaped and gifted us. Recognising we all have different personalities, preferences, cultures and experiences, our worship finds expression through a variety of mediums including music, media, art and dance and prayer, as we seek to communicate with God in Word and Spirit and live responsively to his leading.

If you want to find out more about our worship ministries and how you can be involved contact our worship co-ordinator Pei-Lin Chong, worship@camberwellbaptist.org


Weekly Prayer Meeting via Zoom, Wednesdays 7-8pm
If you would like to join our weekly prayer meeting, contact the church office for the link. Office@camberwellbaptist.org